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Corporate Strategies Case Study

Case Title:’s Million Subscriber Dream
Publication Year : 2007
Authors: Mahesh Pol, Mridu Verma
Industry: IT(Information Technology)
Region: US
Case Code: COS0064P
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
The case study is about a US based on-demand CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution provider company – The company’s flagship offering is Salesforce automation suite (SFA) which enables customers to manage their sales function.
The case study is about the competitive strategy of, which is based on the concept of SaaS (Software As a Service). SaaS meant offering software as a service on subscription basis and not as a product like a software package.
The case study discusses the ERP industry to which’s competitors originally belonged to and who have entered CRM arena also. The case analyses vis –a –vis its competitors and discusses the initiatives launched by the company to grow beyond CRM to enter other business domains and achieve its million subscriber dream and achieve revenues of $1 billion by 2007.The case also discusses about the future potential of CRM and ERP industries.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To discuss strategies adopted by vis-à-vis its competitors
- Discuss the initiatives launched by the company to grow beyond CRM and enter other business domains
- To discuss the future potential of CRM and ERP industries.
Keywords : demand provider; s/w as a service; end-of s/w slogan; CRM amd ERP industry; packaged player-SAP; oracle; Corporate Strategies Case Study; on demand players-sieble; netsuite; open source players-sugarCRM; business model-team edition; professional edition; enterprise edition; Appexchange platform; extension beyond CRM; AppExchnage mobile; launch of unlimited edition; pertner edition; mashup with google;'s geographical extention